Thursday, 1 May 2014

A new beginning....

Well, it has finally happened.  I retired last month.  Yippee....  we are on a new journey, which is something that we were moving towards, but circumstances over the last little while has meant our journey has started earlier than expected.   Things happen for a reason or so the saying goes....

The story is that over a period of time, my husband Nick and I have moved towards a more simple life, one where we can spend more time together and less time filling our days with, you know, the unimportant stuff ..... that we all do everyday but doesn't really enrich our lives.  I am just talking about us now, everyone is different.

Many years ago, I found that I used to buy 'things' because I was unhappy and that they made me happy for a short period of time and then I was unhappy again.  I have become aware of the commercialism of our lives and we are moving to change all that.

So, what is the journey about: it is about us living a simple life, on the road, making do and travelling around Australia, meeting people and experiencing life and living in different communities.

We hope to give back something to the "world" that has given so much to us by volunteering our services as we travel around.

This is our story and I will be posting about places where we are and what we are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading your blog and looking at your photos.


Thank you reading about our journey and for your comments. I read all comments but may not aways be able to respond.